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Learn About SEO Update

SEO is good for your site.

Certain, Optimization methods take time to produce results but prove useful in the long run. Others work very faster but may end up leaving your site in a worse position than when you started.

Google’s Search Ranking algorithm has undergone many changes since its debut. In the past, nobody could foretell all the potential methods to push low-quality sites to the top of search results, but Google dealt with them as they came with the help of algorithm updates.

The SEO updates are directly proportional to google’s algorithm updates that Search Engines receive. Since Google is the immigrant in search marketing, new changes in Google Algorithm Update are vital to improving the optimization of your website.

SEO new updates related to Hummingbird:
  • Use of Knowledge Graph Facts to secure better search results
  • Easy recognition of Keyword stuffing
  • Effectiveness of Long-tail keywords
Google Penguin SEO Updates:

The rollout of the update had massive effects on many websites. Google intended the update to fight webspam. Today, The Penguin update is a part of the core algorithm of the Google search engine. Updates to the Penguin algorithm now take place continuously and are no longer manual.

The primary reason behind this update was to penalize websites that use manipulative techniques for obtaining high rankings.

Currently, The update is tracking is not as big as some of the core updates but 100% chatter within the SEO agreement and have the tracking tools to give some ability to that chatter.